The Week in Links – November 27 to December 3rd

Happy three weeks before Christmas! If you are anything like me, you should probably start your Christmas shopping 🙂

I’ve been traveling a ton recently and so came across a lot of great articles and even wrote and published a few of my own. So here are the best from this past week!

Creating Marketplace Content for Marketing Purposes

I have worked on around a dozen marketplaces at this point, including my own. And while marketplaces have a lot going for them, one of the coolest things for marketers is being able to leverage content that you don’t create (or creating content easily) that is both on brand AND earns coverage.

I wrote my thoughts about it, using examples from a bunch of marketplaces.

If you’re a content marketer, this is for you.


Check IT out!


Here are some of my favorite reads and listens from the last week. Enjoy!

  1. How I Burned $10M So You Don’t Have To (Medium) – A startup founder writes their experiences starting a company, growing it, and having to lay off most of their staff in order to save the business. And they’re making more money than ever.
  2. How To Hide $400M (NY Times) – One of the best articles I’ve read this year. If you’ve ever been interested in how the super rich hide their money, this story of an entrepreneur and his wife going through a messy divorce is mesmerizing.
  3. How Rob Walling Bootstrapped Drip Into A Seven Figure Business (WPCurve) – Super interesting invterview with one of the great bootstrappers about why they care so much about aesthetics, why he hired a contractor to build the first version, and more. Great read for bootstrappers and non-engineer entrepreneurs!
  4. 9 Blogging Tactics for 2M Views in 2 Years (Nate Eliason) – Want to grow your blog’s traffic? This is pretty much the best blueprint I’ve found for it online.
  5. Leaving It All On The Field (a16z) – If you’re growing a business and experiencing growing pains, that’s natural. The old CEo of eBay wrote this post about his trials and learnings through growing eBay and all the things he had to learn as the business grew and his role changed.
  6. Dump The Midth Of The High Achiever ( – The former CEO of eBay encourages students to build a life outside of work and find creative solutions to problems. Get out of the office!

As always I’d love to know your thoughts on the content I’m sharing here, and if you have ideas for blog posts you’d like me to write, leave a comment or email me!

Until next time –
