Hi, and welcome to my Private SEO Consulting page. If you’re interested in working together, drop me an email to dohertyjf at gmail dot com and let’s chat.
Become A Private SEO Consulting Client
I work with a few private clients to help them with their SEO strategy and use SEO to drive their business forward. I am great at working with clients in the following spaces:
- Real estate
- Software
- Publishing
Your site probably has some if not most or all of the following attributes:
- Large programmatic website, like real estate or a marketplace
- A content-driven approach to driving organic traffic and building your business sustainably.
I’ve worked with hundreds of agencies, most of the main online real estate websites, and hundreds of software companies.
How It Works
My Private SEO clients hire me to be their SEO voice of reason and guidance. While packages can vary and I’m open to discussing what you need, most engagements are:
- Based around a certain number of calls per month
- Focus on your SEO strategy and the highest impact things you can do
I’m not about doing endless audits, pitch decks, or debating SEO minutiae. SEO is a proven channel encompassing technical SEO, content, and promotion (backlinks and PR). My goal is to help you tie them all together in a way that drives significant growth over time.
I’ve driven millions of visitors and millions of dollars in revenue to my clients. It’s impossible for me to fully quantify my work’s impact on the companies I’ve worked with, as I’ve advised hundreds of early-stage software companies and hundreds of agencies over the years.
But here are some screenshots showing you what I’ve done over the years.

About Me
If we’ve not met, I’m John Doherty.
I’ve done SEO since 2008, across two agencies, in-house for two of Zillow’s consumer brands, and as a solo provider since 2015.
I live in Denver, Colorado with my family. We spend a lot of time outdoors, love skiing and the mountains, and generally live here for the lifestyle we can enjoy. One full of activity, good people, and of course good beer and lots of dogs.