“What if this was easy?”

“What if this was easy?”

I often get caught in the trap of thinking that anything worth doing “should” be hard. It’s a perfectionist tendency that I’m trying to unlearn. Because of this tendency, I am prone to over-complicating things. I feel like I need to add a lot of steps to a process or features to a product before […]

Unlimited resources

Unlimited resources

I recently listened to a great podcast episode from Brene Brown, that was published in September 2020, titled “Stretching and Chasing”. In that episode, expert Dr. Scott Sonenshein talks about two concepts that help explain a range of things in life and business. The two concepts are: Stretching – where you are being scrappy and […]

The slow lane – purposefully

The slow lane – purposefully

I do a lot of highway driving up and back from the mountains between our house in Denver and our house in the mountains where we spend most weekends and are spending summer 2022 as we try to slow down from the fast pace of city life. If you’ve ever been to Colorado and gone […]