Respond, Don’t React

Respond, Don’t React

I spend a lot of time on Twitter. I also have a hot temper. Those two do not go together like peanut butter and jelly. I’d more say they go together like oil and water. They are a bad combination and that’s gotten me into trouble more than a couple times. It’s hurt some of […]

BAMFAM: One of my favorite sales terms

BAMFAM: One of my favorite sales terms

Because I spend a lot of my time thinking and talking about sales (best) practices, I’ve come across a lot of monikers that are super useful. I also get a lot of questions about them, and sometimes I am amazed when a sales professional doesn’t know them. Today I want to tell you about one […]

Business model / founder fit

Business model / founder fit

If you work in technology then I bet you’ve heard the term “product/market fit”, which is often abbreviated PMF. The idea behind PMF is that it’s the point at which your product has met the need of its targeted subset of the market. At this hallowed point, everything gets easier and business is amazing. Reality […]